The Shadow System XR920 Foundation 4" -9mm series by Shadow Systems developed out of conversations between old-school gun guys, the type who aren't fussy about aesthetics and want only the essential features. The Shadow System XR920 models are based off the Glock 19X and Glock 45 series with the 4" barrel and full size grip that fits the Glock 17 magazines.
Built on the same frames as all Shadow Systems pistols, the Foundation Series touts sleek ergonomics, real-world shootability, and bet-your-life reliability. These XR920 Foundation firearms are built on the same Shadow Systems frames, with optimized texture, trigger guard cuts, and extended beaver tail.
The pistol is also optic cut, but now with a polymer fill plate and a standard white dot front sight and black out rear. Still featuring a match grade barrel, but with a smooth finish. And now with a polymer upgraded 4.5-5.0 pound trigger, and a carbon steel guide rod.
The Shadow System XR920 Foundation 4" -9mm offers all the same features of a "custom" quality and durable pistol, with the change in minor parts to offer it at a reasonable price.
SKU | SS-3306 |
Caliber | 9mm (9x19) |