Membership Rules


Frontier Justice LLC hours of operation are subject to revision or change as occasion may warrant. Changes will be announced to all members.

Current Hours of operation are:
Monday through Friday: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Sunday: 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Frontier Justice reserves the right to close prior to the stated hours of operation when the facility is not being utilized
by its members, due to inclement weather, private party bookings or any other reason management feels is in the best
interest of the business. Frontier Justice reserves the right to reject or refuse anyone access to all facilities. Frontier Justice will be closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Frontier Justice will have shortened hours on select holidays or day preceding the holiday.

General Rules

The following rules have been compiled for member convenience and for the greater enjoyment of the facility by all

1. Guests – Members are expected to restrict the number of guests and the frequency of visits by guests to a
reasonable number. Members should not bring more guests to shoot than they can personally supervise (maximum
of 2 per member). Members or partners of members must accompany, and are personally responsible for, their
guests. Members are personally responsible for any and all damages done to the Frontier Justice LLC facility by
themselves or any guest. Members are expected to acquaint their guests with all rules, including safety rules, and are
responsible for all charges incurred by their guests. No guest will be allowed to use the facilities if, in the judgment
of Frontier Justice, such use is disruptive, disturbing to other members or not in the best interest of Frontier Justice.
Members are responsible for any range fees incurred by guests if they are not using guest passes.


2. Lockers – All lockers are owned by Frontier Justice.


3. Food & Beverages – Frontier Justice provides food & beverages for members and their guests in the lounge.
Beer or liquor is strictly prohibited on Frontier Justice premises.


4. Charges Incurred – All members are responsible for the payment of charges incurred in the use of the facility outside
of their membership level.


5. Pets – Well-behaved, leashed dogs are welcome inside, but owners are responsible for any messes as well as payment for any merchandise that is damaged.


6. Display of firearms – Members shall refrain from displaying, exhibiting or laying firearms on the tables in the lounge.
The displaying and exhibiting of firearms shall be limited to the locker room or range. All firearms must be either
holstered, cased or concealed in any and all other areas in the facility. No loading or unloading of firearms in the
lounge or the locker room. Firearms must be unloaded when stored in lockers.


7. Corporate & Private Parties – Any event, group outing, etc., which has 8 or more participants (members or guests) is
considered to be a corporate or private event. Member requests for private parties should be submitted to Frontier
Justice management and require prior written approval. Catering is available upon request at member’s expense. A
cleanup fee may be assessed. The sponsor of the event must conduct its event in strict accordance with Frontier
Justice policies and safety rules.


8. Children – Frontier Justice encourages a family atmosphere and children are welcome. Members bringing minor
children to the facility are responsible for both the conduct and the safety of their children. Members must
accompany, control, oversee and directly supervise their children or their guest’s children at all times. All children
must have the release of liability form signed by a parent or legal guardian. Children under the age of 8, or less than
48” are NOT allowed on the range.


9. Compliance with laws & regulations – Members and their guests must comply with all applicable federal, state & local
laws, ordinances, and Frontier Justice rules.


10. Member Conduct – Violation of any applicable federal, state & local laws, ordinance or Frontier Justice rules or any
behavior contrary to the best interests of Frontier Justice, its overall membership or its employees will result in
disciplinary action by Frontier Justice up to and including loss of membership and facility usage rights. All members
are personally and financially liable for any damages done to the grounds, buildings and all facilities.


11. We prioritize safety above all else. To ensure the well-being of our guests and staff, we require that all firearms brought into the store are unloaded and located in an appropriate case or holster.


12. As an additional safety measure, please do not open your firearm case or access your firearm until you are in the range and at your assigned bay.


13. Whether you are here for fashion, fun, or training, it is our great honor to serve you face to face. We kindly ask that you remove or lower any full-face

coverings or hoods before entering the store. If this requirement poses an inconvenience for you, one of our managers would be pleased to discuss how to best meet your needs.

Firearms Safety

1. Actions on all firearms must be open when the firearms are being carried or handled.


2. Muzzles of firearms must be pointed in a safe direction at all times.


3. There shall be no pointing of firearms in the lounge or locker room.


4. Firearms shall remain open and must not be loaded until ready for use inside the range.


5. When handling a firearm, shooter must keep their finger off of the trigger until ready to shoot.


6. All shooters, referees, range personnel, and spectators shall wear safety glasses and hearing protection while
in the shooting ranges.


7. Only approved targets may be shot on Frontier Justice property.


8. No one under 18 years of age may shoot in the range unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Minor children must be closely supervised while visiting the shooting range.


9. Absolutely no beer or other alcoholic beverages are allowed; nor the use of firearms under the influence of
any type of alcohol or drugs, legal or otherwise. No intoxicating substances are allowed anywhere on the premises,
including the parking lot.


10. All firearms must be cased or holstered while not on the range, at-line, or fire.

Range Rules

The following rules are specific to the range and are in addition to other Frontier Justice policies and basic safety rules.
There will be absolutely no tolerance for not following these rules or of any abuse to the facility. All members and guests
must view the range safety video and sign the appropriate waiver. Noncompliance with any of the following rules will
result in the loss of range privileges.

1. All members and guests must check in and check out at the Range Check In counter before and after shooting. All
shooters are required to sign a Waiver and Release of Liability before entering the shooting range (renewed once a year).


2. Shooters are fully responsible for the action of their guest(s). You must oversee the activities of your guest(s) at all
times. You must be at the shooting position with your guest(s) or at the adjacent position.


3. A shooter and his/her guest(s) may occupy no more than their assigned lane(s) at any time. Only one shooter is
allowed at a time.


4. No food, drink, gum or tobacco products are permitted inside the range.


5. Oxygen tanks/generators will not be permitted inside the range.


6. Pregnant women will not be allowed on the range, even with a doctor’s note.


7. Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting — those suspected of using any of these will not be permitted on
the range (our call is final).


8. Eye and ear protection must be put on before entering the range and worn at all times. Clear or amber lenses are
allowed, tinted eyewear will NOT be allowed.


9. All firearms must be holstered or cased while going to or from the range. Never handle uncased or unholstered firearms
behind the bench shelf in your assigned lane. All firearms must be uncased and cased within the assigned lane.


10. Targets considered obscene or offensive will not permitted on the range. Shooting at anything other than your target
is strictly prohibited. Any 2 shots fired that strike any surface besides your paper target (ceiling, floor, target carrier,
track, etc.) in any combination, will result in the RSO asking you to leave for the day.


11. All commands given by the Range Safety Officer (RSO) must be followed.


12. Upon the command “CEASE FIRE”, stop all shooting immediately, put down your firearm and back away from the
firing line. Do not re-approach the firing line or handle a firearm until the “ALL CLEAR” signal is given by the RSO.


13. No BB guns are allowed on the range. Pellet guns are only allowed with lead pellets—absolutely no other metal or
plastic pellets.


14. All firearms used on the range must be in safe operating condition. All firearms must have front and rear sights or
optics to be considered safe.


15. For any firearm or ammunition problem; (squib load or hang fire) place the firearm on the table with the muzzle
pointed down range, remain in your booth and signal a RSO for assistance by raising your hand.


16. Drawing from a holster is not permitted unless as a part of a Frontier Justice class curriculum with an instructor present.


17. Always keep firearms pointed down range and in a safe direction. NEVER turn around in the booth while holding a
firearm. NEVER point the muzzle of your firearm toward yourself, another person, the ceiling, range or shooting booth
walls. NEVER for any reason leave your booth with an uncased or unholstered firearm.


18. Always keep the action open and firearm unloaded until ready to fire. Consider every firearm as “loaded” and treat it
as such.


19. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.


20. Never cross the firing line for ANY reason. Do not attempt to retrieve anything that falls in front of the firing line.
If you lose a piece of equipment, signal a RSO for assistance by raising your hand.


21. Shooting from the prone or kneeling position is strictly prohibited.


22. If you observe any unsafe behavior or condition of anyone on the range, please report it to the RSO immediately by
raising your hand for assistance.


23. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian. Children are allowed to shoot on the
range ONLY if they are 8 years old and 48 inches tall while accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.


24. Anyone using the range over the age of 18 may use their own handgun if they can lawfully be in possession of that
firearm. Anyone under 18 WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE A FRONTIER JUSTICE RENTAL FIREARM (unless enrolled in a
Frontier Justice class).


25. If in a group, anyone over the age of 21 may rent a handgun, but cannot allow anyone under the age of 21 to be in
possession of a Frontier Justice rental handgun (excluding those enrolled in a Frontier Justice educational course).


26. You must be over the age of 21 for any full auto usage, includes full autos not owned by Frontier Justice.


27. No Frontier Justice firearms may be rented for use by a minor. If a parent/guardian brings their own firearms, a
minor’s use of those firearms is at the parent/guardian’s discretion within the rules of the range and law.


28. All magnum rifle calibers are limited to the rifle bays only. No handguns may be shot in the Rifle Range. No birdshot
or buckshot allowed, only slugs may be used. Absolutely no ammunition, factory or hand loaded, may reach or exceed
4,000 fps (ex. NO .22-250 caliber). No ammunition is allowed that does not fire a single projectile.


29. There is no firing of firearms from the hip. Shotguns must have a shoulder stock. Shotguns with pistol grips only are
not allowed. Shotguns are only allowed on the Rifle Range and Tactical Bays.


30. Use only the correct ammunition for your firearm. No STEEL CORE, STEEL CASE, STEEL SHOT, TRACER, ARMOR
PIERCING or ALUMINUM CASE ammunition. Non-incendiary ammunition sold at Frontier Justice is allowed (streak
ammo). Only brass case ammunition is allowed — no other metal or substance. No muzzleloaders or black powder.


31. Only ammunition purchased the same day at Frontier Justice will be allowed for rental firearms. Frontier Justice
follows all federal laws regarding the sale of ammunition.


32. Shooters may collect their brass only, behind the firing line, after unloading and casing their firearm in preparation to
exit the range.


33. Wash your hands each time you leave the range and before smoking, eating or drinking.


34. Frontier Justice is not responsible for damage to or loss of personal equipment used at the range.


35. A strict dress code is posted on our website and MUST be adhered to in order to shoot on the range.


36. In the event that you are asked to leave the range, there will be no refunds.


(The RSO and/or Store Management will make the final call on any subjective understanding of the rules.)
Pistol Range (x2) — Rimfire and Centerfire Pistol Calibers ONLY.
Tactical Range — All Rimfire and Centerfire calibers, not exceeding 4,000 fps, are permitted.
Rifle Range — Centerfire Rifle Calibers ONLY, not exceeding 4,000 fps


Dress Code

To ensure safety and a satisfactory experience for our members and guests, the following dress code will be enforced:

1. No flip flops, sandals, or open footwear of any kind will be allowed on the range.


2. No tank tops or low-cut tops allowed.


3. Extremes in apparel or jewelry, which are deemed distractive, disruptive, disrespectful or unsafe will not be permitted.


4. Clothing or jewelry displaying drug references, obscenities, lewd or illegal behavior, sexual overtones etc. or
any reference that is disruptive to others will not be permitted.


5. Undergarments worn as outer garments are not permitted, including muscle shirts. Hats, caps, bandanas or any other
head covering will be removed in the facility, except baseball caps facing forward.


7. Torn or ragged clothing will not be permitted.


8. Pants, slacks and trousers must be sufficiently pulled up to appropriate levels and cover under garments.

© 2025 Frontier Justice. All Rights Reserved.