Donation Request

If your organization is interested in talking with us about contributing to your cause, we’d love to hear from you. We do not take calls or in-store visits, and we will not follow up in writing unless you’ve been awarded funding.

Auction items are also available for organizations who fit the parameters, and your organization does not need to have 501c3 status to receive an auction item. To be reviewed for an auction item, the procedure is the same. Best of luck to your group in all that you are doing to serve the community.

Donation Request
Donation Request Information

So many great causes out there, and if you have one that fills you with passion, we are grateful for your service to it. You may submit your requests by filling up the form. We will contact you if you are chosen.

Your Passion for your Cause is Appreciated

We will review requests for funding once each quarter. Your organization must have 501c3 tax status. We do not fund sports events unless an employee is involved in some way.

We are open to funding many causes, but here are some of the charitable causes we typically contribute to:

  • Social services
  • Faith-based projects
  • Cancer
  • Veterans organizations
  • Animal rescue
  • Education
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