Many people do not understand why only brass cased ammunition is allowed. Our air ventilation system is a very expensive component to the range and is tied directly to our recycled materials and hazardous materials handling. These casings, by the nature of what they are and do, have lead dust on them. In order to keep that dust contained, we do not allow shooters to go beyond the firing line to collect brass. To that end, it builds up and must be pushed by the RSO (Range Safety Officer) into our reclamation process. If there is any contamination from other casings, we cannot recycle it and we cannot merely discard it because of the lead.
It is also extremely cost prohibitive for us to attempt to sort casings. By law we are responsible and liable for the lead contamination containment and we do not want to risk the health of our staff or their time in doing so. Therefore, we must only have brass for everyone’s health and to keep range management costs at a minimum. Further, steel core rounds, tracer rounds or materials other than lead do a tremendous amount of damage to the range. Our costs in maintaining the range are very high because your health and your budget is important to our commitment to excellence so we appreciate your understanding of this policy.
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