Store Contact
Kansas City , Kansas - ClientserviceKC@frontier-justice.com
Jenks - ClientserviceTU@frontier-justice.com
Lee's Summit - ClientserviceLS@frontier-justice.com
Training Department - trainingdept@frontier-justice.com
Why can I only shoot brass on the range and not aluminum or steel casings?
Many people do not understand why only brass cased ammunition is allowed. Our air ventilation system is a very expensive component to the range and is tied directly to our recycled materials and hazardous materials handling. These casings, by the nature of what they are and do, have lead dust on them. In order to keep that dust contained, we do not allow shooters to go beyond the firing line to collect brass. To that end, it builds up and must be pushed by the RSO (Range Safety Officer) into our reclamation process. If there is any contamination from other casings, we cannot recycle it and we cannot merely discard it because of the lead.
It is also extremely cost prohibitive for us to attempt to sort casings. By law we are responsible and liable for the lead contamination containment and we do not want to risk the health of our staff or their time in doing so. Therefore, we must only have brass for everyone’s health and to keep range management costs at a minimum. Further, steel core rounds, tracer rounds or materials other than lead do a tremendous amount of damage to the range. Our costs in maintaining the range are very high because your health and your budget is important to our commitment to excellence so we appreciate your understanding of this policy.
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Why are you open on Sunday when you are a Christian company?
When Frontier Justice first opened, we were closed on Sundays. However, we heard from many of our friends and family that Sunday was their only day to patronize our store given that Saturday was consumed with sports, chores, etc. To accommodate our clients, without compromising our Christian values, we have opted to open at noon on Sundays (after most churches dismiss) and close at 6 p.m. so our staff can enjoy an evening of rest with their families.
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What do I need to bring with me to shoot on the range?
Guests must have at least 1 ID (ex. Drivers License, Military ID) per person to use the range. Guests will also need eye protection, ear protection and at least one target, all of which are available to borrow or purchase from Range Check-In. Closed-toed shoes are required, but booties are available for guests who only have open-toed shoes.
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Do I need a membership to shoot on the range?
No, you do not. Non-members may use our range for a fee of $19.00 for 1 shooter and $34.00 for 2 shooters (per lane). This is for an unlimited time unless there is a wait for lanes. If a waitlist builds, you may be asked to release the lane after one hour, but may return to another lane if one becomes available that same day.
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Can I use my own ammo?
You may use your own ammunition as long as it meets our range requirements. It must be all brass ammunition; no aluminum cased, steel cased, steel core, steel shot, tracer or armor piercing ammunition is allowed. No muzzle-loaders or black powder. Only slugs are allowed for Shot Guns – no birdshot or buckshot is allowed. When renting firearms from Frontier Justice, you must purchase our ammunition specified.
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Do I need prior shooting experience to shoot on the range?
No, you do not. We have Range Safety Officers available to help out first-time shooters and keep everyone in the range safe. However, if a lesson is what you need/desire, we recommend you start with a class as the RSO on duty will have limited time to assist.
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Can I collect my brass?
You are welcome to collect all of your brass behind the firing line. No brass beyond the firing line may be collected.
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What calibers can I shoot on the range?
Anything up to a .50 caliber is permitted.
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Are there calibers that aren’t allowed on the range?
Anything faster than 4,000 feet per second is prohibited. We do not allow 22-250 calibers.
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How many people are allowed on a lane?
A maximum of 2 people are allowed per lane.
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Can I use my prescription glasses as my eye protection?
Yes, you may. Although, no tinted glasses are allowed. They must be clear or yellow.
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What are the blue mats outside the range doors for?
These are sticky mats to collect any lead that you may have on the bottom of your shoes.
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Can my child shoot on the range with me?
Children 8 years and older AND at least 48 inches tall may shoot on the range as long as they have a parent or guardian with them.
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Can I carry my firearm in Frontier Justice?
Yes, you may, but it must be holstered or in a case at all times in the store. If you do not have a case, we have “loaner” cases that you may use on a stand at the front door.
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Can I bring my dog into Frontier Justice?
Well-behaved, leashed dogs are welcome inside, but owners are responsible for any messes as well as payment for any merchandise that is damaged.
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I was on the wait list for an hour when someone who was in line after me got a lane before me. Why would that happen?
One of our membership benefits is being the priority on the wait list. This means that if the range is full and we are on a wait list, members will get on the range before non-members.
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Can I get private instruction with my firearm?
Yes, you may. Private lessons are $75.00 per hour and may be scheduled ahead of time by phone or email.
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How much is a Frontier Justice membership?
Frontier Justice memberships start at $29.99 per month for an individual and $59.99 per month for a family.
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Who can I have on my family membership package?
Anyone can be added to a family membership as long as they are 18 years or older and are able to shoot on the range by themselves. Families may have up to 4 members on their account.
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Why do you sell AK47 Rifles now after years of deciding not to?
For a long time, Frontier Justice has not stocked AK-47 platform firearms. We made that decision for a lot of reasons. Most of those reasons had to do with the story of the AK-47 as the rifle of choice for tyrannical regimes worldwide. Because of its widespread use in that context, we saw the AK as a kind of symbol; the opposite of our commitment to “Faith, Family, and Freedom.” Our decision had much to do with that story, and little to do with the pros and cons of the rifle itself.
We’ve recently come to appreciate that this perceived symbolism is only a part of the story. We’ve heard from numerous clients, including veterans and members of law enforcement, that the AK platform is their rifle of choice when off duty. The number of requests we’ve had to carry AK rifles, and the commitment to “Faith, Family, and Freedom” shown by the people those requests were coming from, carried a lot of weight with us.
In light of those requests, we’ve spent a lot of time reconsidering our stance. We want to provide empowering experiences to all who walk through the door. That includes providing people with the equipment that best serves their needs and preferences. For many, that is the AK platform.
So, after careful thought, Frontier Justice has decided to resume carrying high-quality, American-made firearms built on the AK pattern. We trust that in your hands, this durable, reliable rifle platform can begin to forge a new story-one built around freedom, responsibility, and fun.
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May I buy a firearm as a gift for my spouse?
When purchasing a firearm as a gift, we will put the exact amount of the firearm (tax included) on a gift card and the recipient may come into our store and purchase the firearm themselves with their gift card.
It is, however, completely legal to purchase a gift of a firearm for someone. You purchase it and then you are responsible for where it is gifted.
Do you offer payment options?
Yes, we are now offering in-store financing.
We also offer layaway. (Click Here for Details)
How do I bring a firearm into the store?
Welcome to Frontier Justice! As part of our commitment to maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all, we kindly request that you observe the following rules while in our store:
Does Frontier Justice buy guns?
Yes. We buy guns outright as well as take trade-ins if you are interested in purchasing a new firearm.
Can I take a Concealed Carry class in Kansas if I am a Missouri resident?
Yes, you can take a Concealed Carry class in Kansas if you are a Missouri resident.
Can I take a Concealed Carry class in Missouri if I am a Kansas resident?
Yes, you can take a Concealed Carry class in Missouri if you are a Kansas resident.
Does Frontier Justice accommodate all genders, races, faiths and ethnicities on the range?
Of course we do. The Second Amendment is for ALL Americans. We have one of the most diverse clientele you will likely find at an outdoor retailer/range. We only ask that everyone observe the dress code and safety rules of the range, and certainly welcome all clients. We do have alternatives for those unable to comply with dress code due to faith, and information about those exceptions is available at Range Check-In.